Menopause, Body Burden & The Dirty Dozen

Women at menopause often experience weight gain around their waist and this could be partly due to ‘body burden’. Your ‘muffin top’ may not just be due to your diet or lack of exercise.

Kay Newton talking about body burden
Kay Newton

On Hot Women Rock Radio I’ve been talking to award-winning International Speaker, enthusiastic author, and Midlife Strategist, Kay Newton about the environmental issues that can affect your hormones and your menopause experience.

Everyone’s experience and sensitivities are different and Kay made the point that we all need to do our own research and due diligence into the products we are using in our homes and on our bodies.

Kay’s thoughts

‘At menopause we have many more years ahead of us. We want to make those years the best years of our life. You don’t want to be a burden on society. You don’t want to be ill and in pain. You want to be enjoying your life up until the day you die.

Lifestyle means that we can do that but we’ve got to work at it.’

Body Burden

‘The word ‘body burden is a general term used to describe the overload we have in our system. And it’s complicated. Because there can be all sorts of reasons why we have that burden. It can be because of our age, our gender, your disease status, your nutritional habits, and just your genes. Then it could be the dose, the duration of exposure, the time between exposures and interaction with other chemicals.

And then it gets even more complicated. How do you get the toxins into your body? Do you inhale them? Or is it in your food or your water? It can come through your skin, such as by using cosmetics.

Then you can look at endocrine disruptors. Our hormones are regulating our metabolism, our growth, our development, our tissue function, reproduction sleep mood and all sorts of functions. If get that wrong, or we use something that disrupts that, it can cause problems.’

Hidden Chemicals

‘It’s complicated but you’ve got to stop and think about chemicals in relation to the whole picture. Think about your cleaning products, cosmetics, air pollution around your house, and even your dry cleaning.

When you look at the ingredients in your household products, a simple rule is: if you can’t pronounce – don’t use it! For example, I use a shampoo that has several labels saying it’s eco-friendly, cruelty free, organic, and other reassuring things. It also contains chocomine which sounds like cocoa and coconut so it must be okay, right? But in this product chocomine is combined with diethanolomine which has been listed as a carcinogenic. It is FDA approved. It is in a lot of products that froth.

Our bodies change as we get to menopause and most women will tell you that they get an extra layer of fat around their tummy. That’s where your body can store toxic substances.’

5 Top Tips for First Steps

1) Don’t get overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time.

2) When you get to the end of a face cream or moisturiser, read the ingredients on the back of the packet and make a decision about whether you are going to buy it again.

3) If you feel that there is something not right with your health, ask your medical practitioner for a blood test, or hair test, or gut test to see if you have a chemical imbalance.

4) Cut down on the amount of food you buy that is wrapped in plastic.

5) Don’t microwave food in plastic containers. Put it into a glass or China bowl.

Listen to the show recording of Menopause, Body Burden and the Dirty Dozen

For for free copy of Kay Newton’s presentation on Menopause, Body Burden and Is Your Muffin Top a Diet Issue

For more information about this and other episodes go to the Hot Women Rock Radio Show

1 thought on “Menopause, Body Burden & The Dirty Dozen”

  1. Pingback: menopause chemical body burden - is your muffin top caused by diet?

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