Menopause Mind The Gap
Menopause is a workplace issue. This is because the fastest growing demographic in the workplace is women over 50. At the beginning of 2020 there were more working women in that age group than ever before. Valuing them means understanding the unique challenges facing women at work in this stage of life.
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Pat Duckworth’s latest book, ‘Menopause: Mind the Gap: The value of supporting women’s wellness in the workplace’, will help employers and managers appreciate the potential impact on performance and profit of menopause symptoms and the positive effects of providing support.
Symptoms Affect Performance
It has been reported that of the 3.5million women over the age of 50 in employment in the UK in 2019, 75% reported that they regularly experienced menopause symptoms. As a result:
- 59% report difficulties that negatively affect their performance
- 52% say they have less patience with clients and colleagues
- 58% experience more stress
- 65% were less able to concentrate
- 30% have taken sick leave because of their symptoms (CIPD, 2019)
The Business Value of Providing Support
Employers who support women colleagues at menopause can achieve:
- improved productivity
- reduced sickness leave and absenteeism
- better staff retention
- higher morale
- improved employee relations
- a more diverse and inclusive culture
- active social responsibility
- recognition as a good employer
Supporting women colleagues at menopause with solutions such as tailored absence policies, flexible working patterns, and low-cost environmental changes can be simple and cost-effective.
Menopause:Mind the Gap
Whether you want to boost performance, increase profits, or create an inclusive working environment, this concise guide for managers, HR professionals and anyone involved in workplace wellbeing will teach you:
- An understanding of menopause
- Why menopause is a workplace issue
- How to have sensitive conversations
- Simple steps to comply with legal requirements
- A strategic approach to managing menopause in the workplace
Book Bonuses
- Live Webinar – Menopause Wellness in the Workplace
- Video – Early Menopause Experience interview with Lesley Fettes
- PDF – Menopause Basics Factsheet 1
- PDF – “Why & how to check your vulva” by Victoria Howell
- 50% off 28 Day Hormone Reset Programme with Personal Trainer Jackie Grant
- Re-ignite Your Passion Coaching with Jill McCulloch